
Happy Saturday! Yay the weekend is here!!! I have so much to do today, I didn't even mind getting up this early. Maddie has been a hand full and a half this week... she got shots Tuesday at her dr appt so I wonder if that has something to do with it. But sheesh! She's picked a heck of a time to be so discontent!

I was very productive yesterday... At least I feel like I was. I spent almost 4 hours sorting and packing Avery's toys. Uh.... why does everything 6 year olds play with have to be the size of a quarter? But it's done. And she's mad but I told her she cant play with her toys all at once until we move. :) I'm such a meanie... heaven forbid we keep things put away! Our living room finally looks like the living room of people who are moving... which doesn't sound like an accomplishment but it feels like a big one.

Tomorrow is exciting! It's Donut Day! A few of you will know what that is. It's one of my favorite family traditions. Normally, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my family (parents, siblings, and our families) gets together and makes donuts from biscuits. This may not sound like much but it is so fun and so yummy and just, ahh.... it's my favorite. Even last year (2016 DD) when I couldn't eat gluten anymore, we found a few recipes that we could use and I binged on icing. Two thumbs up. 👍👍

This year has been very different and we have quite a few holidays to make up for. On my birthday last year (Nov 12) we were at my parents house after church for lunch and my parents got a phone call saying my grandparents had been in a really bad car accident. After seeing their car, it's a miracle they were not hurt more. It's a miracle they're alive. So needless to say, my parents packed quickly and drove down to Florida overnight. My grandma was staying with strangers (who ended up becoming very close friends to my parents/grandparents) and my grandpa was in a trauma hospital in Tampa. It was not good.

So, I'll save the rest of that story for if anyone wants to hear it.. It's long. The point is that we have holidays to make up for. Thanksgiving, Donut Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day. Valentines day we covered already, and stuffed animals and chocolate were had by all. Tomorrow is my favorite though. Tomorrow is Donut Day. Here are some pictures from DD2015.

It will be interesting because my parents and I are doing the Ketogenic Diet (I'll probably start posting about that soon, extra posts, unrelated to the lent posts.) If you're unfamiliar with that diet plan, it's basically low carb high fat gluten free, so donuts are kind of a hilarious idea here. Pinterest does not disappoint and there are several recipies to try. 👍

I'm so off topic here. Rewind. Yay traditions! Yay family!! Moving on.

The bible reading plan was weird today. It's all about suffering and whatnot. I decided to go with something else because I'm tired of suffering. I started to read Revelation.

Ever since I was a little girl, I think they kind of pound it in your face back then... maybe it has always been that way... but they talk about Christ returning and the end of the world and all that. Well, I remember being a kid and a teenager and thinking Jesus was going to return before I even had a chance to have kids. I remember praying as a teen for Jesus to wait until I had a family to return. (Thank you, Jesus!) Now I know that the timeline in the bible is nothing to be tracked, but just meant for us to be prepared at any time. But my adolescent mind couldn't process that.

But I remember hearing about Revelation and the end times probably more than anything else I remember from scripture. It probably has a lot to do with the Left Behind book series being released during my teen years when I enjoyed reading the most. So that's why I picked Revelation today. Just for fun really, just because. Revelation 1 starts out by quoting Daniel 7. (They're so long, I'm not gonna paste the whole thing here today, feel free to click through to read them if you want to.)

I suddenly felt more interested in what Daniel had to say, so I went to the verse that was quoted and started at the beginning of that chapter. It is just so crazy to me how Daniel had dreams so long ago about things that are yet to come... That's like thousands of years ago. And his dreams were crazy, they troubled him, even though none of that would happen in his lifetime. So crazy.

I didn't get very far into it. I did read all of Daniel 7. The descriptions of the beasts are pretty crazy. I found an illustration someone had done of them. It reminds me of creatures in Harry Potter....

I don't really know where I'm going with this... It is just very interesting. And it seems to be nearer than ever, which is exciting and scary and unbelievable. I've always expected to see these things unfolding in my lifetime which may have been silly, but a lot of things in Revelation are coming to pass and its just so so so weird. I'll read more later, and hopefully find something more interesting to share. I'm a little distracted this morning with the amount of cleaning/moving that needs done today and both girls are up now playing and laughing and yelling. So. I'll quit rambling now. See ya tomorrow. 


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